MOTION Inspiration


MOTION Inspiration


Rob Read

As I hope all of you know by now, MOTION is the WildArt POTY category for September. As with many of the other categories, I have been going through some of my images with a view to selecting a handful that would seem to fit the current monthly contest theme. 

I have to be honest and say that I thought MOTION would be one of the more difficult categories for me, but I have been surprised by what I have found. Spurred on by the discussion I had with Jari and Kaisa Peltomaki on the recent Facebook Live, I realised that MOTION can be portrayed in a number of ways. As with all the category briefs, we have left them deliberately broad and open to a degree of entrant interpretation – judges love images that surprise them, so thinking outside the box can sometimes be handsomely rewarded. If you haven’t watched the discussion with Jari and Kaisa, then I strongly suggest you take a look as it may spark some of your own ideas for the category. Click here to watch the video.

So here are the images I came up with. Perhaps the first thing that springs to mind when one thinks of motion, is the panning technique to convey a sense of dynamism and movement. This is certainly one option and I’m sure we will receive some amazing examples of what is a rather difficult technique with a low ‘keeper’ rate. But there is also freezing the motion and intentional camera movement to explore, along with lens zooming and other techniques. To my mind, this category invites experimentation and I can’t wait to see what you all come up with.

I hope these images inspire you to look through your archive with the category in mind. And remember, there is more than enough time left before the category closes to go out and take something new – go on, put your mind to it, try a fresh approach and show us something that makes us wish we had taken the image ourselves. Do that and you might strike gold.

Rob Read. September 2021.