Why Enter WildArt Photographer of the Year?

By visiting this page, we hope that you will be considering entering the competition - thank you for getting this far! There are a number of benefits to be had from entering listed below, but by far the most important aim of the competition is to provide all its entrants with the inspiration to take a fresh and artistic approach to photography, to do things differently, learn new skills, and to push the boundaries of photographic art.

  • Win Prizes - A mixture of cash paid by WildArt and prizes from our sponsors. Check our prizes page for more details.

  • WildArt Certificates - WildArt achievement certificates for all awarded images.

  • Media Coverage - WildArt has developed numerous media contacts which will guarantee worldwide coverage and exposure for the winners. You could see your work published in the national and international press. These opportunities have launched the careers of numerous photographers over the years.

Thank you for your support and best of luck with the competition!

Details of the next competition coming soon!