We are delighted to announce the top 100 images in our July 2022 category HUMAN NATURE. Another new category for 2022, it sought to highlight the relationship between humans and wildlife in all sorts of ways. The entries we received were both imaginative and variable as this selection shows. Well done to everyone featured in this list which displays some great photography from all around the world. The images are in alphabetical order according to the photographer’s surname.

Rebecca Nason and her judging team have completed the HUMAN NATURE category judging and we will announce the winners in late September (date to be announced) See if you can pick our winners including the Gold, Silver, Bronze, Highly Commended, Commended, Founder’s Choice, and Young category winners.

If you didn’t make the list this time, then there are two categories remaining to have a go at, namely MONOCHROME and COLOUR which are open for entries until the end of September and October respectively. And don’t forget about our BEST PORTFOLIO prize where you should enter 10 images representing the 10 categories of the competition. Enter by clicking the link below, and remember to sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date with the competition.